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Our Clients

We tell the financial stories of local and international businesses who care about their success, whether measured in financial, social or personal terms. We create your success story.

Noone Casey clients are driven.

They run early stage/start up businesses; are well-established owner-managed businesses; have international connections and are focused on the future and times of growth.

Noone Casey clients are committed to their business interests, families, and communities.

We, at Noone Casey, share those values.

Our clients share a common trust in Noone Casey

To help them run their businesses, invest wisely, and plan for succession, growth and retirement.

To provide that value that makes a difference, we have developed expertise in many sectors and specialisms.

We work with many clients in the Technology, Arts & Media and Professional Service sectors.

We assist business at all stages of their development – startup, early stage, the ‘messy middle’, exit and succession.

We develop structures for international companies looking to trade in Ireland and the EU.

We have seen the challenges facing your business many times and know how to address the solution to provide successful outcomes.

Most importantly we enjoy being a key factor in your success story.

  • Testimonial for Noone Casey from Mark Little, Founder, Storyful.

    When Storyful was still a crazy idea, Noone Casey reached out to me to help turn it into reality. From the very outset, Anthony and his team provided more than financial advice…

    Mark Little, Founder, Storyful
  • Testimonial for Noone Casey from Rodrigo Sanchez, Rodrigo y Gabriela.

    Anthony and Noone Casey are f***ing awesome!

    Rodrigo Sanchez, Rodrigo y Gabriela
  • Testimonial for Noone Casey from Margaret E Ward, CEO Clear Ink, Board member RTE, Founder of Women on Air initiative.

    Noone Casey has been an absolute Godsend to me since I started my business ten years ago. They really understand the small business owner/ entrepreneur and their changing needs…

    Margaret E Ward, CEO Clear Ink, Board member RTE, Founder of Women on Air initiative
  • Testimonial for Noone Casey from John Fitzsimmons, St Andrews Resource Centre.

    For the past 20 years Andrew and Noone Casey have acted as accountants and auditors for St. Andrew’s Resource Centre. St Andrew’s is the largest resource centre in Ireland empl…

    John Fitzsimmons, St Andrews Resource Centre
  • Testimonial for Noone Casey from Tommy Tiernan.

    “The most decent, capable, thorough and dependable accountants in the business. I feel in very safe hands which then gives me the freedom to concentrate solely on my work knowi…

    Tommy Tiernan
  • Testimonial for Noone Casey from Michael McLoughlin, Chief Executive, Amárach Research.

    We have worked with Noone Casey since 2008 through the ups and downs of recession and recovery. We have worked with them on fundraising and investor relations, standard audit p…

    Michael McLoughlin, Chief Executive, Amárach Research