Philip Maguire is quite content to acknowledge his company will probably never be a household name but the entrepreneur behind IT Alliance is laughing all the way to the bank and provides the main interview in The Sunday Business Post.
“We are chameleon-like, and we are happy to work under someone else’s brand,” Maguire says. “That is why most people have not heard of us.”
But obviously enough have. IT Alliance has a projected turnover of €24m this year and employs 400 people in Ireland, Britain, Denmark and Austria. The company he founded in 1997 is essentially the outsourcers’ outsourcer, working with large IT companies and providing services to them that they can claim as their own.
It also acts as a sales agent for a number of IT outsourcing firms but few people know this as it operates under their name. Maguire would not even cite the name of his clients, such is his desire to continue flying under the radar.
And Maguire believes his company is as near recession-proof as they come: “Even if you want to cut back, you have to put in IT to make it happen.”