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Mar, 2011

The Sunday Business Post provides a detailed summary of the best savings options available in the market. The piece notes the Fine Gael pledge to increase tax on interest earned on savings (DIRT) from the current 27% to 30% “to encourage higher levels of household expenditure”. However, the increased economic uncertainty still means plenty of incentives to save for those inevitable rainy days ahead.

So, what’s on offer?

  • AIB: 3.5% AER for monthly savings between €10 and €500. 3.6% on an 18-month fixed-term account for deposits between €25,000 and €1m.
  • Bank of Ireland: 3.5% on monthly savings of up to €5,000. 3.58% in an online fixed term deposit over 15 months with a minimum lodgement of €20,000.
  • EBS: 4% AER for deposits of between €100 and €5,000 a month. 3.71% AER on a 10-month fixed account for lodgements of €20,000 or more.
  • Investec: 3.25% AER on a 12-month fixed term account for minimum deposits of €20,000
  • KBC: 2.52% on instant access to savings but a minimum deposit of €10,000 applies. 3.5% on a one-year fixed rate for minimum deposits of €10,000 and a maximum of €1.5m.
  • Leeds Building Society: 2.1% for regular savers subject to a minimum investment of €2,500. 4.05% fixed rate flexible savings bond – this also requires a minimum investment of €2,500.
  • National Irish Bank: No monthly savings account as such but its eSaver account pays 3% AER on savings up to €50,000 and customers can lodge as much or as little as they like every month.
  • Nationwide UK: No regular savings account. 3.65% on a 12-month fixed rate savings account on balances above €3,000.
  • Permanent TSB: 4% AER on its online regular savings account. However, this is only available to existing customers. 3.62% on its 12-month Interest First savings account on deposits of at least €10,000.
  • Rabobank: No dedicated regular savings account but a 2% AER on demand savings. No minimum amount required to open an account.
  • Ulster Bank: 4% on the Special Interest Deposit Account with a maximum of €1,000 deposit every month. 3.5% on a one-year fixed rate account for lump sums, with an initial investment of at least €15,000.

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