Revenue Commissioners target IT contractors
So, the Revenue Commissioners have announced a review of ”the tax affairs of companies and their directors, where the main source of income is a contract or contracts “for service” with a larger company or companies (directly or through intermediaries), the company in question does not appear to have a substantial business separate from these contracts, and in most cases the director(s) are the only employees of the company and pay tax through PAYE”.
Revenue have “established that in many cases there are deficiencies in accounting for input costs and expenses, with the result that there has been a significant understatement of tax liability to the benefit of the director(s)”.
In other words, Revenue believe contractors are over claiming expenses relative to their work profile.
It is our understanding that Revenue are also examining the Umbrella/Managed company status of many contractors. There is real concern that the PRSI class applicable to many contractors operating through Managed companies is incorrect and substantial liabilities may exist.
This review is being carried out in the Revenue South West region incorporating Cork, Limerick, Kerry & Clare.
At Noone Casey we look after the tax affairs of many hundreds of contractors using our real time online accounting tool I-Finance. We ensure only appropriate expenses are claimed thus avoiding the issue of underpayment of taxes.
I-Finance is structured so that you
• Operate as a proprietary director of your own limited company. Why is that important?
o You have greater control over your own money – no 3rd parties controlling the bank account.
o You have no exposure from Revenue should they move against the umbrella/composite company structures.
o You can maximise simple tax saving techniques which are not available in a Sole Trader/Umbrella Company structure.
• We process all the financial administrative tasks relating to your contract – which gives you more time to focus on the things you want to do.
• We prepare and issue all your client-approved invoices.
• You dictate how much you want to be paid, we process the payroll for you and make sure all your PAYE/PRSI is correctly deducted and returned on your behalf.
• We monitor your company bank account and assist you execute a ‘same day payment’ model via online banking into your personal bank account.
• We offer you up-to-date advice on all allowable business related expenses.
• We prepare and file all your annual returns (both personal and company related).
• We advise you on how to financially plan for the future and assist you in selecting the best savings and investment options for you personally.
If you are operating as a contractor in the Munster region and have concerns over the expenses you have claimed and /or your Managed company structure, contact me today or 01 6766476 to discuss your affairs.
We will advise you on the correct route out of your potential difficulties.