More than two-thirds of Irish adults (70%) do not have a will in place, research from Irish Life published today reveals. Even more surprising is the fact that over half of parents (53%) do not have a will in place.
For those that haven’t made a will, over one third (37%) believe they are too young to make a will and almost one fifth (18%) believe they don’t need one. A further 16% don’t know where to start, with an equal amount not wanting to think about drawing up a will.
The research identified ‘a guide’ as the best way to encourage people to make a will with 89% saying it would help.
To coincide with the publication of this research, Irish Life has published a ‘Guide to Making a Will’ which is free of charge and should help people to find out what is involved and why it is important to put our affairs in order. Other factors that would encourage people to make a will are ‘a discount from a solicitor’ (81%) and ‘help from a financial advisor’ (57%).
Other findings of those who have a will in place:
* Women (60%) are more diligent than men (53%) in updating their will.
* Nearly half (48%) of married couples or those living together have not updated their will in the last 2 to 5 years.
* Married, separated, divorced or widowed people (56%) are much more likely to have a will in place as opposed to their single counterparts (86%).