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Top 5 Business Apps To Simplify Your Day

Google Docs, Slack, Revamp, Flipboard, Tiny Scanner - Top 5 Business Appd
Top 5 Business Apps To Simplify Your Day


Edit, export and view documents efficiently while you are on the go. Create new documents or edit existing files on an easy to use app that also allows you to collaborate with colleagues in the same document at the same time. You can even work offline if you need to.


Create teams and message each other, assign tasks and create deadlines. Helpful for managing multiple projects with different groups of people.


Easy and secure access to Revenue’s services to help you manage your Irish tax affairs, on the go. This also gives you access to Receipts Tracker – the easy way to record and manage receipts for your expenses.


This app brings together news, popular stories and conversations around any interest or passion. Download the app, select your interests and Flipboard will create a magazine just for you.

5. TINY SCANNER – PDF Scanner App

You will never have to worry about not being near a scanner again. Use this app to turn your smartphone into a scanner. This app also turns the scanned documents into PDF’s for safe distribution.

Special Assignee Relief programme (SARP)

A SARP return must be made by an employer of
employees who availed of relief under the Special
Assignee Relief Programme (SARP) during the year
ended 31 December 2012 on or before 15 February
Under the SARP program 30% of basic salary (to a
maximum of €127,500) is excluded from the charge to
Income Tax for employees who take up full time
employment in Ireland. Qualifying employees must have
been a full time employee with a Company incorporated
and resident in a Treaty State for the 12 months prior to
arriving within the State. The individual must also be
resident in Ireland to qualify for the relief. The relief
does not apply to Universal Social Charge or PRSI. An
Employer will also be able to bear the cost of certain
items for a relevant employee on a tax free basis to
include the cost of a return trip for the employee and
family to an overseas country to which they are
connected plus primary and or post primary school fees
up to €5,000 per annum per child where the school is
approved by the Minister of Education.
The SARP return is available on the Revenue website
and requests:
• details of the Employer and Employee registration
• employee name
• amount of income, profits or gains in respect of
which no tax was deducted
• costs associated with an annual return trip to the
country of residence or nationality for self and/or
• costs of school fees for children paid to an approved
school in the state
• increase in number of employees as a result of the
operation of the relief or number of employees
retained by the company as a result of the operation
of the relief

The Importance of Being Fearless

Our friends at the Influential Marketing Blog have written the following excellent blog.

Most of us have a love affair with the big idea. We memorialize and romanticize it. We attend workshops or read books to learn how to come up with it. And the celebrate the achievements of anyone who has had one. Yet for all of our focus on this big idea, perhaps there is something even more fundamental that powers real world changing ideas.

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Many IT, Engineering and other Professional Contractors who use composite company structures may be facing large PRSI liabilities as Revenue and DSFA challenge the PRSI status of such contractors.

Contractors who hold only15% of the shares in a composite company may not be entitled to Class S PRSI status; employers PRSI of 10.75% will fall due in those circumstances. Class S status is only applicable to those shareholder/employees who control their companies. A 15% shareholding with up to 6 other contractors who may not know each other does not suggest control.

Noone Casey has developed I-Finance an online realtime accounting solution for professional contractors to address this concern & to legitimately maximise the tax advantages of contracting.

Have a look at our short video here to get a better understanding of the issues involved. If you feel this affects you, contact Noone Casey for an independent assessment of your position.

I-Finance uses the Limited Company type structure thus avoiding the employers PRSI issue. The table below gives you an idea of how each of the common contracting structures compare.

Company Structure Type Limited Company Umbrella Company Composite Company
Ownership You own 100% of your own company You have no ownership You own 15% of an externally controlled company
Directorship You and your appointee are directors of your own company You have no directorship You and up to 6 others are directors of the company. You may not know the other directors.
Employment You are the employee of your own company You are an employee of the umbrella company You are an employee of the composite company
Expenses You are entitled to tax deductible expenses through your own company You are not entitled to any expenses You may be entitled to a lesser amount of expenses
Tax planning You can use your own company to assist in appropriate tax planning opportunities You cannot use the umbrella company to assist in your tax planning You cannot use the composite company to assist in your tax planning
Tax appropriateness We ensure you manage your affairs in full compliance of all taxation and PRSI legislation You are treated as an employee and have taxes deducted appropriately The Revenue Commissioners are examining the appropriateness of the PRSI structures of composite companies


This is the year of the Android. If the last couple of years have been about the Apple iPhone, 2011 will see Google’s operating system overtake Apple in the number of handsets shipped using its interface. The Sunday Business Post reviews seven of the most popular currently on the market.

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Happeo, a new social network backed by Irish investors and which is hoping to go head-to-head with Facebook, is due to launch within the next three months, The Sunday Times says.

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Those of us old enough to remember the furore caused by the creation of 6W will know the amount of media hot air likely to be generated later this year when the new national postal code system is scheduled to make an appearance.

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Google is to step up its online battle with Amazon next year but opening its own e-book store in the United States before rolling out the new business worldwide, The Sunday Tribune reports, quoting “a source familiar with the company’s plans”.

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And finally, a bit of good news … well, for those with a bright idea for a technology start-up. The Sunday Times’ small business page reports on the range of incentives available for high-tech entrepreneurs who want to turn potential into reality.

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A Kerry-based entrepreneur who trousered €103m in 2006 when he offloaded his Stockbyte stock photography business to US giant Getty Images is ready to launch his first new business since becoming a multimillionaire, The Sunday Times reports.

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With the Irish economy in the doldrums, small firms are turning their attentions overseas and the Sunday Times consulted a number of experts for advice on how to “internationalise” a business.

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